Compression Stockings


Compression stocking AKA Medical Compression socks are socks especially designed to improve blood flow in your legs to prevent swelling and discomfort in your lower limbs.

They are also recommended by doctors for different reason such as:
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Compression Stockings


Compression stocking AKA Medical Compression socks are socks especially designed to improve blood flow in your legs to prevent swelling and discomfort in your lower limbs.

They are also recommended by doctors for different reason such as:

Need to Know about compression stockings

Compression socks must be worn early in the morning when you wake up before swelling starts in your legs and removed at the end of the day when you want to go to bed.
They come in different compressions from:
varicose-veins-back to motion

your doctor will choose the compression based on your condition. Medical compression stockings also come in various lengths based on the location of your varicose veins or condition. They also come closed or open toes.


Types of Compression Stockings

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Knee High

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Knee High

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maternity stockings - back to motion


men stockings- back to motion


open toe stockings - back to motion

Open Toe - Unisex

Our Certified Compression stocking specialist

When you book your no obligation compression socks assessment session, our trained staff will look at your doctor’s prescription and conduct an assessment and measurement of your legs. Finally we will help you choose the best option based on your doctors prescription, condition and preference and our specialist will also educate you on wear and care of your compression stockings.


Happy Patients in Back to Motion

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